Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Cinnamon Lovers Unite!!

Check it out! I was feeling kinda guilty because I made this oreo delight (coming soon, to a blog near you!) that Mom couldn't eat. Dad loved it and forbade me to ever make the stuff again, so I took on an endeavor to find an easily convertible recipe into a delish sugar-free concoction! And I found just the thing. Pay attention now. CINNAMON ROLL CAKE! Yes, such a thing does exist, and now it exists in a sugar-free form! I also have it on good authority that a lady from arkansas (I think) is going to put it in with her recipes for her weight watchers group. So although I only converted it, and I did it out of love, the recipe is going global (haha, I wish)!! For those who don't care about the sugar content, I'll post that recipe first, then add mine with the alterations So let's take this journey, yo! And have a little fun in the process. :D

3 C flour
1/4 t salt
1 C sugar
4 t baking powder
2 eggs
2 t vanilla
1 1/2 C milk
1/2 C butter, melted

1 C butter, softened
1 C brown sugar
2 T flour
1 T cinnamon

2 C powdered sugar
5 T milk
1 t vanilla

1. Into your stand mixer, or large mixing bowl put 3 C flour, 1/4 t salt, 1 C sugar, 4 t baking powder, 2 eggs and 2 t vanilla. Pour the 1 1/2 C milk over the other ingredients and mix well.
2. While the mixer is still running slowly add the 1/2 C melted butter. Mix just until combined.
3. Spray a 9x13 pan with cooking spray and spread the batter out evenly in the pan.
4. To make the cinnamon filling use a small bowl and a wooden spoon to combine 1 C softened butter, 1 C brown sugar, 2 T flour and 1 T cinnamon.
5. Drop the cinnamon filling by spoonfulls onto the cake batter.
6. Take a butter knife and drag it through both the cinnamon and cake batter layers, making a pretty marble effect.
7. Bake this baby at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes, or until a knife inserted into the center comes out clean.
8. In a small mixing bowl whisk together 2 C powdered sugar, 5 T milk and 1 t vanilla. Pour the glaze over the warm cinnamon cake. Serve warm, or at room temperature.

Here's My Modified Recipe:
3 C Flour
1/4t salt
3/4 C Splenda
4 t baking powder
2 eggs
2 t vanilla
1 1/2 C milk
1/2 c butter, melted

Cinnamon Filling:
1 C butter, softned
1/2 C Splenda brown sugar
2 T flour
2 T Cinnamon

2 C powdered sugar
1 T Cinnamon
3-5 T milk
1 t vanilla

1. To make the cinnamon filling use a small bowl and a wooden spoon to combine 1 C softened butter, 1/2 C brown sugar, 2 T flour and 2T cinnamon. SET ASIDE.
2. Into your stand mixer, or large mixing bowl put 3 C flour, 1/4 t salt, 3/4 C sugar, 4 t baking powder, 2 eggs and 2 t vanilla. Pour the 1 1/2 C milk over the other ingredients and mix well.
3. While the mixer is still running slowly add the 1/2 C melted butter. Mix just until combined.
4. Spray a 9x13 pan with cooking spray and spread the batter out evenly in the pan.
5. Drop the cinnamon filling by spoonfulls onto the cake batter.
6. Take a butter knife and drag it through both the cinnamon and cake batter layers, making a pretty marble effect.
7. Bake this baby at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes, or until a knife inserted into the center comes out clean.
8. In a small mixing bowl whisk together 2 C powdered sugar, 3-5 T milk (add milk slowly, until you get the consistancy you want), 1 T cinnamon, and 1 t vanilla. Pour the glaze over the warm cinnamon cake. Serve warm, or at room temperature.

My Rating: 5 Stars (Well, 3 1/2 Stars the first time :D)
So here we go, the things that will make you LOVE this cake, and hopefully appreciative of this blog! :D
1.) For those who are wondering, I am by no means perfect, and therefore it took TWO tries to get this right, and even then it wasn't perfect. ;)
2.) MAKE sure you have all the ingredients gathered FIRST. I am not one to plan ahead as it were, and therefore missing ingredients is why I had to make the cake twice to get it right! I couldn't find the dern Splenda brown sugar ANYWHERE in the house, and had to wait for Mom to get home to tell me where it was. I had already mixed the cake part first, and so it sat on the counter for about 2 hours. Which messes with the melted better in the cake part. Which leads me to...
3.) Just to make sure that cake doesn't set too long while you're mixing up the cinnamon part of the cake, mix that all up first. From mixing the cake, to in the stove, you could taste the difference.
4.) I am aware that this recipe is not COMPLETELY sugar free, however I'm working on the glaze part. Here's the tentative new recipe for it: 4-8 oz. cream chease 1/2 C Splenda brown sugar 3-5 T milk 1 t vanilla 1 T Cinnamon If you get around to it before I do, let me know how that turns out. If not, look soon for the new and improve glaze recipe. :D
5.) It's a fact. In this house, if there's cinnamon involved ALWAYS double the cinnamon. :D Therefore, my recipe is modified to that. If you aren't a big cinnamon fan, you can tone it down a bit. And I might have just thrown in the cinnamon in the glaze, so you can take that out too. :D

Here's the link!

Happy Eats!

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